Source code for keg_storage.backends.base

import enum
import hashlib
import time
import typing
from datetime import datetime

import arrow
from authlib import jose

from keg_storage.utils import expire_time_to_seconds

ProgressCallback = typing.Callable[[int], None]

class ListEntry(typing.NamedTuple):
    name: str
    last_modified: arrow.Arrow
    size: int

[docs]class FileMode(enum.Flag): read = write = def __str__(self): s = 'r' if self & else '' s += 'w' if self & FileMode.write else '' return f'{s}b' @classmethod def as_mode(cls, obj: typing.Union[str, 'FileMode']) -> 'FileMode': if isinstance(obj, cls): return obj if not isinstance(obj, str): raise ValueError('as_mode() accepts only FileMode or str arguments') mode = cls(0) if 'r' in obj: mode |= if 'w' in obj: mode |= cls.write return mode
[docs]class ShareLinkOperation(enum.Flag): download = upload = remove = @classmethod def as_operation(cls, obj: typing.Union[str, 'ShareLinkOperation']) -> 'ShareLinkOperation': if isinstance(obj, cls): return obj if not isinstance(obj, str): raise ValueError(f'as_operation() accepts only {cls.__name__} or str arguments') op = cls(0) if 'd' in obj: op |= if 'u' in obj: op |= cls.upload if 'r' in obj: op |= cls.remove return op def __str__(self): return ''.join([ 'd' if self & else '', 'u' if self & ShareLinkOperation.upload else '', 'r' if self & ShareLinkOperation.remove else '', ])
class RemoteFile: """ This is a base class for objects returned by a backend's `open()` method. This is a file-like object that provides read/write operations to the remote file. When creating a new backend, you should subclass this and implement `read()` and `write()` methods at minimum. After construction, a RemoteFile is presumed to be in an "open" state and should accept calls to any of its methods. Any cleanup should be done in the `close()` method. """ # This is the default chunk size to use when iterating over this object iter_chunk_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 def __init__(self, mode: FileMode): """ Override this constructor to accept any additional arguments needed by the backend and to perform any initialization required to get the file into an "open" state. """ self.mode = mode def read(self, size: int) -> bytes: """ Read and return up to `size` bytes from the remote file. If the end of the file is reached this should return an empty bytes string. """ raise NotImplementedError def write(self, data: bytes) -> None: """ Write the data buffer to the remote file. """ raise NotImplementedError def close(self): """ Cleanup and deallocate any held resources. This method may be called multiple times on a single instance. If the file was already closed, this method should do nothing. """ pass def iter_chunks(self, chunk_size: int = None): """ Iterate over the file in blocks of `chunk_size`. """ chunk_size = chunk_size or self.iter_chunk_size while True: chunk = if chunk == b'': break yield chunk def __iter__(self): return self.iter_chunks() def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() class StorageBackend: def __init__(self, name: str): = name def list(self, path: str) -> typing.List[ListEntry]: """ Returns a list of `ListEntry`s representing files available under the directory or prefix given in `path`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def open(self, path: str, mode: typing.Union[FileMode, str]) -> RemoteFile: """ Returns a instance of RemoteFile for the given `path` that can be used for reading and/or writing depending on the `mode` given. """ raise NotImplementedError() def delete(self, path: str): """ Delete the remote file specified by `path`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def copy(self, path: str, new_path: str): """ Copy the remote file specified by `path` to `new_path`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def link_to( self, path: str, operation: typing.Union[ShareLinkOperation, str], expire: typing.Union[arrow.Arrow, datetime], output_path: typing.Optional[str] = None, content_type: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Returns a URL allowing direct the specified operations to be performed on the given path """ raise NotImplementedError() def get(self, path: str, dest: str) -> None: """ Copies a remote file at `path` to the `dest` path given on the local filesystem. """ with open(dest, str(FileMode.write)) as outfile:, outfile) def download( self, path: str, file_obj: typing.IO, *, progress_callback: typing.Optional[ProgressCallback] = None ): """ Copies a remote file at `path` to a file-like object `file_obj`. If desired, a progress callback can be supplied. The function should accept an int parameter, which will be the number of bytes downloaded so far. """ bytes_read = 0 with, as infile: for chunk in infile.iter_chunks(): file_obj.write(chunk) bytes_read += len(chunk) if progress_callback: progress_callback(bytes_read) def put(self, path: str, dest: str) -> None: """ Copies a local file at `path` to a remote file at `dest`. """ with open(path, str( as infile: self.upload(infile, dest) def upload( self, file_obj: typing.IO, path: str, *, progress_callback: typing.Optional[ProgressCallback] = None ): """ Copies the contents of a file-like object `file_obj` to a remote file at `path` If desired, a progress callback can be supplied. The function should accept an int parameter, which will be the number of bytes uploaded so far. """ bytes_written = 0 buffer_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 with, FileMode.write) as outfile: buf = while buf: outfile.write(buf) bytes_written += len(buf) if progress_callback: progress_callback(bytes_written) buf = def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class InternalLinkTokenData(typing.NamedTuple): path: str operations: ShareLinkOperation def serialize(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, str]: return { 'key': self.path, 'op': str(self.operations) } @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: typing.Mapping[str, str]) -> 'InternalLinkTokenData': return cls( path=data['key'], operations=ShareLinkOperation.as_operation(data['op']) ) @property def allow_upload(self) -> bool: return ShareLinkOperation.upload in self.operations @property def allow_download(self) -> bool: return in self.operations @property def allow_remove(self) -> bool: return ShareLinkOperation.remove in self.operations
[docs]class InternalLinksStorageBackend(StorageBackend): """ Base class for storage backends that do not have their own direct method of creating download/upload/deletion URLs. To use the link_to feature for such backends, the app must provide it's own endpoint to handle the requests. See plugin.LinkViewMixin for a base implementation of such an endpoint. """ def __init__( self, *, linked_endpoint: typing.Optional[str], secret_key: typing.Optional[bytes], name: str, ): """ :param name: Backend name :param linked_endpoint: The endpoint that the app uses to handle requests to the link_to URL :param secret_key: A secret value used to sign the token in the URL """ super().__init__(name=name) self.linked_endpoint = linked_endpoint self.secret_key = secret_key def get_token_signature(self, digest_method=hashlib.sha512): base_key = ( + 'signer' + (self.secret_key or b'').decode() ) return digest_method(base_key.encode()).digest() def get_token_payload(self, payload, expires_in): now = int(time.time()) exp = now + expires_in payload['iat'] = payload.get('iat', now) payload['exp'] = payload.get('exp', exp) return payload
class FileNotFoundInStorageError(Exception): def __init__(self, storage_type, filename): self.storage_type = storage_type self.filename = filename def __str__(self): return "File {} not found in {}.".format(self.filename, str(self.storage_type))